
10 月 18 日,印尼雅万高铁正式开通运营,标志着印尼交通事业又迈出了重要一步。这条连接雅加达和万隆的高铁线路全长 250 公里,设计时速 250 公里,是印尼首条高速铁路。开通后,雅万高铁将大大缩短雅加达和万隆之间的出行时间,同时也将促进印尼与周边国家的交流和合作。




英文标题:Indonesia’s Yogyakarta high-speed train officially launched: “like flying on land”

英文翻译:The official launch of Indonesia’s Yogyakarta high-speed train, which is also known as “like flying on land,” marks a significant milestone in Indonesia’s transportation industry. The 250-公里长的线路连接着雅加达和万隆,设计时速 250 公里,是印尼的第一条高速铁路。它的开通大大缩短了雅加达和万隆之间的出行时间,同时也促进了印尼与周边国家的交流和合作。

The opening of the Yogyakarta high-speed train is also part of President Joko Widodo’s “New Transportation” strategy. Joko said that the construction of high-speed railways is one of the priorities of Indonesia’s infrastructure development and is also an important way to achieve sustainable development in Indonesia.

The opening of the Yogyakarta high-speed train is of great significance to the economic and social development of Indonesia. The construction of the train has not only driven the development of related industries but also created employment opportunities, promoted economic growth. Moreover, the construction of the train also helps to strengthen Indonesia’s connections with 周边国家,promote political and security cooperation, and drive the process of regional integration in Indonesia.

Overall, the opening of the Yogyakarta high-speed train is a significant milestone in Indonesia’s transportation industry and marks a significant step forward for the country’s development. It is expected that the construction of high-speed railways will become an important driving force for Indonesia’s future growth, promoting the country to become more prosperous and powerful.


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