吉鸿昌,河南省扶沟县人,1895 年 10 月 18 日出生。1913 年,他加入了冯玉祥部,因为勇猛善战,屡立战功,从士兵递升至军长。他曾任第 22 路军总指挥兼第 30 师师长,奉命“围剿”鄂豫皖革命根据地。1934 年 11 月 24 日,经蒋介石下令,他被杀害于北平陆军。



Gu Hongchang: Anti-Japanese Hero
关键词:Gu Hongchang, anti-Japanese hero, Henan Fuqiu, 22nd Route Army, 30th General,鄂豫皖革命根据地,Chiang Kai-shek, Beijing Military Academy, October 18, 1895, November 24, 1934


Gu Hongchang was a native of Fuqiu County, Henan Province, China. He was born on October 18, 1895. In 1913, he joined the 冯玉祥 army and quickly rose through the ranks to become a general. He served as the overall commander of the 22nd Route Army and the 30th General of the 22nd Route Army. He was tasked with suppressing the Uphill-Emissary Revolution Base in 鄂豫皖。On November 24, 1934, under the order of Chiang Kai-shek, he was executed at the Beijing Military Academy.

Gu Hongchang was an anti-Japanese hero who demonstrated excellent combat skills and made significant contributions to the country’s revolutionary cause. His brave actions will always be remembered in our hearts, and his spirit will continue to inspire us to fight for the interests of our country and people.


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