据知情人士透露,美国和委内瑞拉政府已经达成了一项协议,美国将解除部分对委内瑞拉的石油制裁,而委内瑞拉政府则同意在 2024 年举行自由选举。





英文标题:U.S. and Venezuela agree to partially lift oil sanctions

英文翻译:U.S. and Venezuela reach agreement to partially lift oil sanctions


According to sources, the U.S. and Venezuelan governments have reached an agreement to partially lift certain economic sanctions against Venezuela. The agreement also outlines the possibility of holding free elections in Venezuela in 2024.

This agreement is of significant importance to both the United States and Venezuela. The U.S. has long implemented economic sanctions against Venezuela, which has led to the country’s economic crisis. However, this agreement allows Venezuela to alleviate some of the pressure, while also giving the United States increased influence in the oil market.

It is understood that the Venezuelan government has long hoped to hold free elections in order to address the various challenges it faces. The agreement’s 达成为委内瑞拉实现这一目标提供了一个重要的时间表。

At present, the Venezuelan government faces a range of challenges, including economic collapse and internal and external political pressures. Holding free elections is an important goal for the Venezuelan government, and it hopes to attract more international support through the elections to help itself overcome the current difficulties.

While this agreement provides some opportunities for the United States and Venezuela, there are still some uncertainties. The future of Venezuela’s economy remains uncertain, and the relationship between the United States and Venezuela may also be influenced by various factors.


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