1967 年 10 月 17 日,爱新觉罗氏溥仪逝世,享年 61 岁。溥仪是清朝最后一位皇帝,也是中国最后一位皇帝。他为清朝皇帝在位时年号“宣统”,故称宣统皇帝。溥仪的去世标志着清朝的灭亡。

On October 17th, 1967, Emperor Gengxin of the Qing Dynasty passed away, aged 61. Gengxin was the last ruler of the Qing Dynasty and the last Emperor of China. He ruled the country as Emperor with the title “Xuanzong” from 1908 to 1912. His death marked the end of the Qing Dynasty.


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