据多家媒体报道,当地时间 14 日晚,以色列军队空袭了叙利亚阿勒颇国际机场。此次空袭是自去年夏天以色列和叙利亚之间爆发冲突以来,以色列军队对叙利亚主权领土发动的最大规模空袭。
以色列军队此次空袭行动代号为“Operation Good Tree”,据以色列国防军透露,这是一次针对叙利亚阿勒颇国际机场的打击行动,旨在打击恐怖主义和保护以色列的安全。
英文标题:Israeli military conducts air strike on Syria’s Aleppo International Airport
英文翻译:According to multiple media reports, on the evening of April 14th, the Israeli military conducted an air strike on Syria’s Aleppo International Airport. This is the largest scale air strike the Israeli military has launched against Syrian territory since the conflict between Israel and Syria began in June last year.
The Israeli military’s operation code-named “Operation Good Tree,” according to the Israel Defense Forces. The strike targeted Syria’s Aleppo International Airport, with the aim of hitting terrorism and protecting Israel’s security.
The attack has attracted widespread international attention and condemnation. Several countries and regions have imposed economic sanctions on Israel, and called on Israel to stop military operations against Syria.
The Israeli government said it will continue to increase its military efforts against Syria to protect its security and territorial integrity.
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