13 日晚,四川省巴中市发生了一起男子坠亡事件。据当地警方介绍,嫌犯已经被刑事拘留,这起事件是由纠纷引发的。据目击者称,死者走错了包间,推人者曾被劝阻。目前,案件正在进一步调查中。

On the night of March 13th, a man fell to his death in a lift at a hotel in Ba Zhong City, Sichuan Province. According to local police, the suspect has been arrested and is under criminal investigation. This incident was caused by a dispute. According to witnesses, the deceased man walked into the wrong room, and the person who pushed him was stopped. The case is currently under investigation.

On the night of March 13th, a man fell to his death in a lift at a hotel in Ba Zhong City, Sichuan Province. According to local police, the suspect has been arrested and is under criminal investigation. This incident was caused by a dispute. According to witnesses, the deceased man walked into the wrong room, and the person who pushed him was stopped. The case is currently under investigation.


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