
10 月 10 日,一名男子在山东无棣县街头用鞭子长达 8 分钟鞭打一名女子,引发当地居民和媒体的关注。13 日,当地警方通报称,打人者已被依法采取刑事拘留措施。此案涉嫌诈骗,公安机关已侦查终结并依法起诉,目前案件正处于审判阶段。

On October 10th, a man in Shandong beat a woman for eight minutes on the street, which caused attention in the local community and media. On October 13th, local police reported that the attacker had been arrested and charged with a criminal offense. This case involves a fraud case, and the police have conducted investigations and obtained evidence. The case is currently in the trial stage.

On October 10th, a man in Shandong state beat a woman for eight minutes on the street, which attracted local attention and media coverage. On October 13th, local police reported that the attacker had been arrested and charged with a criminal offense. This case involves a fraud case, and the police have conducted investigations and obtained evidence. The case is currently in the trial stage.


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