柿子是一种常见的水果,未成熟的涩型柿子含有较多的鞣酸。据中新网 10 月 13 日报道,鞣酸进入胃中会使胃蛋白酶失活,还会和胃中滞留的蛋白质形成不溶性复合物,造成胃里的结石。而成熟的甜型柿子或晾干的柿饼,其中的含鞣酸量很低,不会造成上述影响。
Persons consuming 柿子在 autumn season, such as the ones with a green or yellow skin, contain a lot of tannins. According to a report by Xinhua News Agency on October 13th, tannins in the stomach can inhibit digestive enzymes and form insoluble compounds with the protein in the stomach, leading to stomach stones. However, ripe persimmons or sun-dried persimmon slices have very little tannins and are safe to eat.
Therefore, when eating persimmons, it is important to choose the ripe ones and not the green or yellow ones, and to limit the amount of tannins one takes in. At the same time, one should also be aware of the potential health risks of excessive tannin intake.
Persons consuming persimmons, especially the ones with a green or yellow skin, should be mindful of their eating habits and not exceed the recommended daily intake of tannins.
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