联合国人权理事会第 54 届会议 12 日以协商一致方式通过中国和玻利维亚、埃及、巴基斯坦、南非等国共同提交的消除不平等背景下促进和保护经社文权利决议。决议获得发展中国家广泛支持,80 个国家加入共同提案国。
该决议案是在联合国人权理事会的 17 个成员国中,获得最多票数的,其中中国投了赞成票。在通过该决议案的过程中,中国和玻利维亚、埃及、巴基斯坦、南非等国发挥了重要作用,为全球消除不平等和促进经社文权利作出了共同努力。
Title: UN Human Rights Council adopts China-led Social and Economic Cultural rights resolution
Keywords: UN, Human Rights Council, China, Social and Economic Cultural rights
News content:
The United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a resolution on 消除不平等背景下的促进和保护经济、社会和文化权利,sponsored by China, during its 54th session on October 12. The resolution received widespread support from developing countries, with 80 countries co-signing the proposal.
The resolution aims to eliminate poverty and inequality 现象,promote global sustainable development, and achieve this through various means, including promoting economic growth, achieving social justice, and protecting basic rights. The resolution also emphasizes that in order to 消除 inequality and promote economic, social and cultural rights, countries need to strengthen cooperation and work together to achieve sustainable development goals.
This resolution is significant as it demonstrates the importance of addressing global issues such as poverty and inequality in order to achieve sustainable development. China played an important role in the process of adopting this resolution, with its vote in favor.
The resolution’s adoption is crucial for the global 消除 poverty and promotion of sustainable development. Next, the United Nations Human Rights Council will continue to follow up on global human rights issues and further strengthen cooperation with countries such as China to promote progress in global human rights governance.
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