今天是 1989 年,历史上的今天,当今世界上最大的青铜佛像——座落在香港大屿山岛上高 26.4 米的天坛大佛,正式圆顶。这座大佛由著名设计师杨志杰设计,耗用了 1000 多公斤铜片,并经过精心的雕刻和安装,才能呈现出如此辉煌的圆顶。
英文标题:Temple of the Sky in Hong Kong
翻译内容:The largest Buddhist statue in the world, the Temple of the Sky in Hong Kong, was officially dedicated today with a dome. This iconic structure, designed by renowned designer Yeang Chee-kai, features over 1,000 kg of intricately carved copper sheets and took more than 200 hours to install. The dome, symbolizing heaven, represents the Buddhist concept of the universe in Chinese traditional culture.
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