据央视新闻客户端当地时间 11 日下午报道,以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡和以色列国家团结党领导人本尼·甘茨在特拉维夫成立了紧急联合政府,以应对国内日益增长的政治动荡和不稳定因素。该举措旨在加强国内稳定,避免政治危机进一步恶化。目前,以色列国内局势依然紧张,但相信新政府将有助于缓解紧张局势,实现国内稳定。
The Israelites have formed an emergency unity government, which aims to maintain domestic stability and avoid further political turmoil. The move comes as there is an increasing political instability in the country. It is expected that the new government will help to ease tensions and achieve domestic stability.
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