今天,是中国和德国建交 40 周年。40 年来,中德关系从敌对、冷战,到伙伴关系、共同发展。中德两国在政治、经济、文化等领域的合作成果丰硕,为世界和平与繁荣作出巨大贡献。
1972 年 10 月 11 日,中国与德意志联邦共和国建交。从此,两国关系开始走向正常化。然而,在建交初期,中德关系仍处于敌对状态。两国在意识形态、社会制度和对外政策等方面存在巨大分歧。然而,经过数十年的发展,两国逐渐意识到加强合作的重要性,共同应对全球性挑战。
Title: China-Germany 建交 40 周年:从敌对到伙伴
Keywords: China-Germany relations, friendly cooperation, cultural exchange
News content:
Today marks the 40th anniversary of China’s relations with Germany. Over the past 40 years, the relationship between the two countries has evolved from hostility and Cold War to a partnership and mutual development. The cooperation between China and Germany in various fields has yielded significant results, contributing to world peace and prosperity.
In 1972 年 10 月 11 日,中国和德意志联邦共和国建交。从此,两国关系开始走向正常化。然而,at the beginning of the 建交 period, China-Germany relationship was still in a state of hostility. Both countries had significant differences in ideology, social systems, and foreign policies. However, after decades of development, both countries have come to recognize the importance of cooperation, working together to address global challenges.
In the political sector, China and Germany adhere to the principle of mutual respect and equality, strengthening high-level visits and political dialogues to provide political guarantees for the development of their relationship. In the economic sector, China and Germany 加强经贸合作,共同推动世界经济的发展。文化交流方面,中德两国在文学、艺术、音乐等领域取得丰硕成果,为世界文化多样性作出贡献。
In terms of global governance, China and Germany support multilateralism, maintain the international system led by the United Nations and the international order based on international law. At the same time, both countries 坚持 dialogue to resolve disputes and maintain world peace and stability.
Looking forward, the relationship between China and Germany is expected to remain stable and continue to contribute to world peace and prosperity. Both countries will strengthen their cooperation in various fields, working together to address global challenges and achieve common development and prosperity.
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