据新华社联合国 10 月 8 日电报道,联合国安理会 8 日就巴以局势举行紧急磋商。中国常驻联合国代表张军在磋商中就当前巴以局势阐述中方立场,呼吁有关各方保持克制,避免冲突局势进一步升级。
Chinese envoy presents China’s stance on Jerusalem conflict, urges parties to exercise 克制 and avoid further escalation
Keywords: Jerusalem conflict, China’s stance, exercise 克制
News content:
According to a report by Xinhua News Agency in Beijing, China’s representative at the United Nations, Zhang Jun, expressed China’s stance on the current situation in Jerusalem during an emergency consultation of the UN Security Council on October 8th. Zhang Jun called on all parties to exercise 克制 and avoid any actions that could further escalate the conflict.
Zhang Jun stated that the current situation in Jerusalem is tense, and any further escalation of the conflict would be detrimental to the peace and stability of the region. He emphasized the importance of peaceful dialogue and negotiation to resolve 分歧 and maintain regional peace and stability. He also advocates for parties to exercise 克制 and avoid taking any actions that could 升级局势。
Zhang Jun’s remarks have received general support from the majority of the countries in the Security Council. The Security Council President 的代表表示,安理会将就巴以局势采取进一步措施,维护地区和平稳定。同时,联合国人权事务高级专员也呼吁有关各方尊重人权,保护平民和受到冲突影响的人们。
This emergency consultation on the situation in Jerusalem was the latest in a series of discussions on the conflict between Israel and Palestine that the Security Council has recently held. With the situation continuing to escalate, there is growing demand from the international community for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. As the permanent representative of China to the Security Council, Zhang Jun has been actively working to promote a peaceful solution to the conflict and has made positive contributions to regional peace and stability.
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