伯德赛,美国商人,因快速冷藏食品的发明,使他的名字成了一个家庭用语,并改变了美国人的生活方式。伯德赛在拉布拉多做了多年皮革商之后,发明了他的冷藏食品的方法。1956 年 10 月 9 日,冷冻食品的发明者伯德赛逝世,终年 69 岁。
Title: Inventor of frozen food dies
Keywords: Frozen food, inventor, Bordashev
Bordashev, an American businessman, invented the method of quick freezing food, which became a household term and changed the way Americans live. After working in leather in La Brassie for many years, Bordashev invented his method of frozen food. On October 9, 1956, Bordashev, the inventor of frozen food, passed away at the age of 69.
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