Title: Hainan Power Company implements electricity fee reform: public-share electricity fee included in property fees, terminal user electricity fee remains the same
Keywords: Hainan electricity fee reform, public-share electricity fee, property fees, terminal user electricity fee
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Recently, the Hainan Power Company has made an important announcement: public-share electricity fees can be included in property fees, which means that the financial burden on residents can be reduced. This is a significant step forward in the electricity fee reform in Hainan Province.
It is understood that this time, the electricity fee reform mainly targets public-share electricity fees, which are the electricity costs in the public areas of the buildings. In the past, this part of the electricity cost was borne by the owners separately, but now it can be included in property fees, with the property company collecting it on behalf. This means that residents no longer have to bear the separate burden of public-share electricity fees.
However, it is important to note that the terminal user electricity fee will not change. This means that users still need to pay their electricity fees according to the existing standards.
The electricity fee reform is of great practical significance to the residents of Hainan Province. In the past, public-share electricity fees have always weighed heavily on many residents, making them feel burdened. Now, by including this part of the electricity cost in property fees, the financial burden on residents has been reduced to some extent.
However, this also means that the electricity fee reform in Hainan Province is still ongoing, and more policies may be introduced in the future. We look forward to the Hainan Power Company to continue promoting electricity fee reform and providing more quality and efficient electricity services to residents.
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