据海关发布公告,深圳湾海关在旅检进境渠道连续查获 4 宗旅客绑藏手机走私入境案,共查获旧手机 195 台。海关关员对进境旅客实施监管时,发现其中 4 名旅客经过海关通道时行为举止异常,遂对其进行逐一检查。经检查,发现 4 名旅客在腰腹部通过缠绕塑料薄膜的方式绑藏旧手机若干。海关提醒,根据《中华人民共和国海关行政处罚实施条例》第七条规定,经过设立海关的地点,以藏匿、伪装、瞒报、伪报或者其他方式逃避海关监管,运输、携带、邮寄国家禁止或者限制进出境的货物、物品或者依法应当缴纳税款的货物、物品进出境的,均为走私行为,将受到相应的法律制裁。
A customs declaration was issued by the Shenzhen Bay customs declaration. According to the announcement, the customs declaration was made in the border inspection channel of the traveler’s checkpoint for several consecutive times, and a total of 195 old mobile phones were seized. Customs officials conducted individual checks on the travelers at the border checkpoint and found that four passengers had behavior that seemed abnormal. The checks revealed that the four passengers were hiding mobile phones wrapped in plastic tape in their waist area. The customs reminder that according to Article 7 of the “Implementation Regulations of the People’s Republic of China’s Customs Administration” any attempt to evade customs supervision by hiding, disguising, hiding or falsifying information at the location of the customs declaration or transporting goods and items that are prohibited or restricted for import or export or required to pay taxes in accordance with the law will be considered smuggling and will be subject to legal sanctions.
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