据柬埔寨卫生部门最新报告,2023 年 1 月至 9 月,柬埔寨累计发现登革热病例超过 2 万例,死亡病例 38 例。

登革热作为一种由登革热病毒引起的急性虫媒传染病,自 20 世纪 50 年代开始在全球范围内爆发。登革热病毒主要通过媒介昆虫传播,如白纹伊蚊和白足库蚊等。近年来,登革热在全球范围内再次爆发,其中柬埔寨也受到了波及。

此次柬埔寨登革热疫情的高发,与该国的气候条件和地理位置有关。柬埔寨位于东南亚地区,属于热带季风气候,每年 4 月至 10 月是登革热的流行季节。此外,柬埔寨的卫生条件和人口密集也是登革热传播的风险因素。



A new report by the Cambodia Health Ministry shows that the number of Dengue Fever cases exceeded 20,000 in the first nine months of 2023, resulting in 38 deaths.

Dengue Fever is a viral disease that is transmitted through various types of biting insects, such as the Aedes mosquito and the Culex mosquito. In recent years, the disease has been on the rise globally. Cambodia has also been affected by the outbreak, with the virus spreading to various parts of the country.

The high incidence of Dengue Fever in Cambodia can be attributed to the country’s climate conditions and geographic location. Cambodia is located in the Southeast Asia region and has a tropical monsoon climate, with the peak breeding season for Dengue Fever from April to October. In addition, Cambodia’s crowded population and inadequate healthcare system are also factors that increase the risk of Dengue Fever transmission.

To combat the Dengue Fever outbreak, the Cambodian government and the World Health Organization have taken various measures, including strengthening case monitoring and testing, promoting vaccination, and improving healthcare facilities. The country is now working hard to contain the spread of the disease and increase public health education to reduce the risk of further infections.


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