今天是中俄签订《勘分西北界约记》的日子,也称为《塔城地约》。这个不平等条约是俄罗斯帝国强迫清朝签订的,用于割占中国西北地区领土。1864 年 10 月 7 日,沙俄代表巴布科夫和扎哈罗夫等,在沙俄出兵强占中国西北大片领土的情况下,援引中俄《北京条约》中有关中俄西段边界的条款。





Russia and China sign the unequal treaty of the division of the North and South. Also known as the Tashkent Land Grant, this treaty was forced upon China by the Russian Empire and was used to divide the territory of the North. On October 7th, 1864, under the provisions of the Sino-Russian Beijing Treaty, Russian representatives such as Bab 科夫 and Zhabarov took advantage of the Russian military’s occupation of a large part of China’s territory in the North to sign this treaty.

This treaty marked the loss of territory for China and weakened its sovereignty. The signing of this treaty also attracted international attention, especially from Western media. Many Western media outlets reported on this event and condemned Russia’s 侵略行为 to China.

Despite the significant impact of this treaty on China, the country has not relinquished its claim to sovereignty over this territory. In recent years, China has been strengthening its control over the area and taking various measures to maintain its territory.


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