今天是京剧表演艺术家裘盛荣逝世 90 周年纪念日。裘盛戎(1915-1971)是中国京剧表演艺术家,净角演员,裘派艺术的创始人。他原名裘振芳,出生于北京,父亲为名净裘桂仙,是清末民初京城闻名的铜锤花脸,也是京胡名家。裘盛戎自幼随父学艺,后入京跟随谭鑫培、余叔岩等京剧大师学艺,成为京剧表演界的重要人物。
英文标题:Classic 京剧表演艺术家裘盛荣逝世 90 周年
翻译内容:Classic opera performer Qiu Shengrong passed away 90 years ago today. Qiu Shengrong was a Chinese opera performer, clean-up actor, and the founder of the Qiu school of opera. His original name was Qiu Zhenfang, born in Beijing. His father was a renowned 铜锤花脸演员兼京胡专家,having trained many famous opera singers in his career.
Qiu Shengrong’s performance style was clean and concise, with a unique singing style. He was adept at playing 花脸、武生等 roles, and his skills were unparalleled. Qiu Shengrong created and performed many representative works, such as \”The Butterfly Lovers\” and \”The Monkey King,\” making significant contributions to Chinese opera.
Although Qiu Shengrong is no longer with us, his artistic achievements and performing skills continue to be admired by opera enthusiasts. On this special day, opera lovers can watch his performances online or attend a opera performance at a theater, in memory of this great opera master.
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