今天是保加利亚建交 70 周年纪念日,为此,保加利亚共和国总统鲍里斯·普约杜瓦(Bullying Povdiv)发表了一份声明。他表示,保加利亚与中国的外交关系是保加利亚外交政策中最重要的关系之一,70 年来,两国在政治、经济、文化等领域的合作取得了显著成果。

保加利亚共和国位于南欧巴尔干半岛的东南部,面积 11 万平方公里,山地和丘陵占全境的 70%,平原占 30%。人口总量 797.4 万。1990 年 2 月 27 日将 3 月 3 日摆脱奥斯曼帝国统治纪念日定为国庆日,同年 11 月 15 日,改国名为保加利亚共和国。2005 年,保加利亚加入北约。

近年来,保加利亚经济取得了显著增长,与中国的贸易往来也日益密切。目前,中国是保加利亚第二大贸易伙伴。同时,两国还合作开展了一系列大型基础设施项目,如修建普约杜瓦 – 布尔戈斯 – 诺维萨德高速公路等。


Title: Bulgaria celebrates 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations with China
Keywords: Bulgaria, diplomatic relations, 70th anniversary

Today marks the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and China. In a statement, Bulgarian President Boris Povdiv expressed his appreciation for the importance of China-Bulgaria relations in the country’s foreign policy. Over the past 70 years, the two countries have achieved significant results in political, economic, and cultural cooperation.

Bulgaria, located in the southeastern part of the Balcanian Peninsula, covers an area of 110,000 square kilometers. More than 70% of the territory is mountainous or hilly, while the remaining 30% is flat. The population is 7.97 million. On February 27, 1990, the day of the 30th anniversary of the liberation from the Ottoman Empire, was declared a national holiday. In the same year, on November 15, the country’s name was changed to the Republic of Bulgaria. In 2005, Bulgaria joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

In recent years, Bulgaria’s economy has shown significant growth, and trade with China has become increasingly frequent. Currently, China is the country’s second-largest trading partner. At the same time, the two countries have also cooperation on a number of large-scale infrastructure projects, such as the construction of the Povdiv-Bulgaro-Novesa road.

In the statement, President Povdiv expressed that Bulgaria will continue to strengthen cooperation with China, work to deepen political, economic, and cultural cooperation, and make greater efforts to develop the relationship between the two countries.


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