1947 年 10 月 4 日,人类历史上首次突破音速,这是一个具有重大意义的时刻。音速是指介质中微弱压强扰动的传播速度,其大小因媒质的性质和状态而异。在 1 个标准大气压和 15℃的条件下,空气中的音速约为 340 米/秒。



Title: Humanity’s first breakthrough in sound speed, ushering in a future of technological innovation

Keywords: sound speed, breakthrough, technological innovation

News content:

On October 4, 1947, a historic moment for humanity, as we successfully broke the sound barrier for the first time. The sound barrier refers to the speed of sound in a medium, which varies depending on the nature and state of the medium. In the standard atmospheric pressure and 15°C conditions, the speed of sound in air is approximately 340 meters per second.

This momentous achievement marked a significant leap forward in the field of technology, and simultaneously unlocked the door to a future of technological innovation. Since the breakthrough of sound speed, countless new technologies, products, and applications have emerged, significantly advancing human society’s development and progress.


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