据中国铁路南宁局集团有限公司数据,今年前三季度,西部陆海新通道铁海联运班列运输货物 63.3 万标箱,同比增长 14%。钦州港东站作为西部陆海新通道的重要枢纽车站,节日物资及粮食、化肥等重点物资运输需求旺盛。
随着中秋国庆假期的到来,西部陆海新通道成为了重要物资运输通道。钦州港东站作为钦州市的重要交通枢纽,成为了节日物资运输的主要场所。此外,广西沿海铁路的货物运输也同比增长了 14%,为地方经济的平稳运行提供了良好的保障。
The Qinzhouwan Port, as an important hub for the Western Coastal New 通道,has experienced a surge in the transportation of important goods. With the upcoming Mid-Autumn and National Day holidays, the Qinzhouwan Port has become a primary distribution center for seasonal goods. In addition, the freight transportation along the Guangxi coast 铁路 has also increased by 14%, providing a positive contribution to the smooth operation of the local economy.
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