据新华社报道,当地时间 10 月 2 日,欧盟在乌克兰首都基辅举行欧盟外长会。塔斯社 3 日报道称,俄罗斯布良斯克州州长博戈马兹在社交媒体上说,乌军使用集束弹药对该州克里莫沃地区发起袭击。


近年来,乌克兰与俄罗斯之间的关系紧张。自从乌克兰政府 2014 年发生政变以来,两国之间的关系进一步恶化。俄罗斯政府一直认为乌克兰政府应该接受其提出的“合并”建议,即乌克兰和俄罗斯应该统一。乌克兰政府则表示,俄罗斯的建议违反国际法,并且损害了乌克兰的主权和领土完整。

目前,乌克兰政府和俄罗斯政府之间的冲突仍在持续。自从今年 2 月以来,双方在乌克兰东部地区已经发生了多次冲突。双方都表示,冲突是由于乌克兰政府试图扩大其领土而引起的。


英文标题:EU, Russia hold foreign minister’s meeting on Ukraine crisis, Russia claims Ukrainian attack on border

英文翻译:The EU and Russia held a foreign minister’s meeting in Kiev on October 2nd to discuss the latest developments in the Ukraine crisis. According to a report by Tass, the Russian President of the Brestsk region in the Russian Federation, Bojangles Bokhmatz, stated on social media that the Ukrainian army used cluster munitions to launch an attack on the Kremenets region in his region.

The meeting of the foreign ministers was an attempt to ease tensions in the Ukraine crisis and promote a peaceful resolution between the Ukrainian government and Russia. However, it remains to be seen if this meeting will lead to any concrete results. The conflict between the Ukrainian government and the Russian government has been ongoing since the Ukrainian revolution in 2014, and both sides have expressed their strong dissatisfaction with the other’s actions. The international community will continue to need to work hard to achieve peace and stability in Ukraine.


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