据中国铁路南宁局集团有限公司提供的信息显示,10 月 2 日,中秋国庆“双节”假日进入第四天,铁路运输安全平稳。广西区内桂林、柳州、北海、玉林等旅游热门城市客流集中。为应对这一客流高峰,国铁南宁局持续优化运输组织,提升运输潜力。
国铁南宁局加开重联动车 101 趟,以满足旅客出行需求。同时,该局还及时分析预售车票数据,采取措施增加运力,确保铁路运输安全平稳。
1. Guangxi Railways Deliver High Passenger Volume During Golden Week 假期
2. Safe and Smooth Rail Transportation in Guangxi During Golden Week and Mid-Autumn Festival
3. Guangxi Railways Optimize Transportation Organization to Enhance Capacity
据中国铁路南宁局集团有限公司提供的信息显示,10 月 2 日,中秋国庆“双节”假日进入第四天,铁路运输安全平稳。广西区内桂林、柳州、北海、玉林等旅游热门城市客流集中。为应对这一客流高峰,国铁南宁局持续优化运输组织,提升运输潜力。
On October 2nd, during the fourth day of the Mid-Autumn Festival and Golden Week holiday, rail transportation in Guangxi was safe and smooth. Tourist-热门城市如桂林、柳州、北海和玉林等的客流高度集中。为应对这一客流高峰,国铁南宁局持续优化运输组织,提升运输潜力。
国铁南宁局加开重联动车 101 趟,以满足旅客出行需求。同时,该局还及时分析预售车票数据,采取措施增加运力,确保铁路运输安全平稳。
The Guangxi Railways added 101 heavy-density trains to meet the passengers’ travel needs. At the same time, the railway also timely analyzed the sold tickets data and took measures to increase the capacity, ensuring the safety and smoothness of rail transportation.
In addition, the Guangxi Railways also 加强与地方政府合作,共同应对中秋国庆假期客流高峰,确保铁路运输安全平稳。
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