宫崎骏的新作《苍鹭与少年》法国定于 11 月 1 日上映,IMAX 版本同步推出。这部电影是吉卜力工作室首次推出 IMAX 版本电影。影片依然采用观众熟悉的手绘风格,讲述二战后丧母的少年牧真人与一只会说话的蓝鹭相遇,展开不可思议的冒险旅程。该影片片长为 124 分钟,讲述丧母的少年牧真人与一只会说话的蓝鹭相遇,展开不可思议的冒险旅程。截至 IT 之家发文,该片的豆瓣评分为 8.0,IMDB 评分为 7.7,Metascore 均分 90。影片同步推出了 IMAX 版本,这也是吉卜力工作室首次推出 IMAX 版本电影。
Title: Studio Ghibli’s \”The Crane and the Young\” to Release in France on November 1st, IMAX Version 同步推出
Keywords: Studio Ghibli, The Crane and the Young, IMAX version
News content:
Studio Ghibli’s latest film, \”The Crane and the Young,\” will be released in France on November 1st, with an IMAX version 同步推出。This is the first time the studio has released an IMAX version film. The film tells the story of a young boy, Rezā, who lost his mother during World War II, and his encounter with a talking blue bird. The film has a running time of 124 minutes and is known for its familiar, hand-drawn style, which is a hallmark of Studio Ghibli’s work. The film has received positive reviews, with a 豆瓣评分为 8.0,IMDb 评分为 7.7,Metascore 均分 90. The film will also be released in the United States on December 8th, and in Hong Kong. The film is 同步推出 IMAX 版本,这也是吉卜力工作室首次推出 IMAX 版本电影。
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