今天是 1945 年 10 月 3 日,世界工会联合会(World Federation of Trade Unions,简称 WFTU)在巴黎成立。这个全球性的工会组织由各国工会组成,旨在捍卫劳动者的利益。自 1945 年以来,世界工会联合会已经为全球工会争取了无数权益,包括最低工资、工作安全、职业培训等。
世界工会联合会的总部设在布拉格,目前已有 150 多个成员国。工会联会的成立标志着劳资双方开始走向平等和合作,也标志着全球范围内的劳动市场逐渐走向成熟。
英文标题:World Federation of Trade Unions turns 70
关键词:World Federation of Trade Unions, workers’ rights, labor market
On October 3rd, 1945, the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) was established in Paris. This global union organization consists of trade unions from various countries and aims to defend the rights of workers. Since its establishment in 1945, the WFTU has fought for numerous rights for workers, including minimum wages, job safety, and vocational training.
The headquarters of the WFTU is in Prague, with 150-plus member countries. The establishment of the WFTU marks the beginning of the equalization and cooperation between labor and capital, and the indication of the maturity of the global labor market.
With the deepening globalization process, the WFTU will continue to strive for more rights for workers and make greater contributions to the global economy and social progress.
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