香港科技大学在 1991 年 10 月 2 日落成开学,今天是该大学的 20 周年纪念日。香港科技大学是一所高度国际化的研究型大学,由理、工、工商管理及人文社会科学四所学院组成,提供本科生及研究生课程。人文社科学院主要开办研究生课程,同时亦为本科生提供通识教育,以利全面发展。
香港科技大学在落成 20 年来,已成为一所享誉国际的优秀教育资源。学校的教职员工阵容强大,包括了许多国际知名学者和专家。学校致力于通过卓越的教育和研究,推动科学技术和社会进步。
英文标题:Hong Kong University of Science and Technology celebrates 20th anniversary of establishment
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology marked its 20th anniversary of establishment on October 2, 2021. The university, which is highly internationalized and research-oriented, is composed of four Faculties: School of Science, School of Engineering, School of Business Administration, and School of Humanities and Social Sciences. It offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses, as well as providing general education for undergraduate students to promote comprehensive development.
The School of Science, School of Engineering, and School of Business Administration offer various undergraduate and postgraduate courses in various fields, including science, engineering, and business. In addition, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences provides general education for undergraduate students to help them achieve comprehensive development.
Over the past 20 years since its establishment, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology has become an outstanding educational and research resource. The university has a strong faculty with many international 知名 scholars and experts. It is committed to advancing science and technology to drive social progress and promote sustainable development.
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