福建省宁德市在“双节”假期前两日共接待游客 70.35 万人次,同比增长 39.93%。宁德市文旅活动热闹非凡,吸引八方游客。全市共举办主题活动精彩纷呈,政策产品多重叠加,监督管理持续护航。
“双节”假期前两日,宁德市共接待游客 70.35 万人次,同比增长 39.93%。这一增长主要得益于遇见福建等主题活动的精彩纷呈、政策产品多重叠加以及监督管理持续护航。遇见福建等主题活动吸引了大量的游客前来体验,政策产品也多重叠加,提供了更多的选择,让游客有更多的选择。此外,宁德市还持续加强监督管理,确保游客的安全和体验。
福建省宁德市在“双节”假期前两日共接待游客 70.35 万人次,同比增长 39.93%。宁德市文旅活动热闹非凡,吸引八方游客。全市共举办主题活动精彩纷呈,政策产品多重叠加,监督管理持续护航。
Title: Discover Fujian: \”Spring Festival\” tourism busts in Ningde
Keywords: Discover Fujian, Spring Festival tourism, traditional Chinese style
In the first two days of the \”Spring Festival\” holiday, Ningde City in Fujian Province welcomed 703,500 tourists, a year-on-year increase of 39.93%. The city’s cultural and tourism activities were bustling and attracted visitors from all over. The city held a series of 精彩纷呈的主题活动,叠加的政策产品和持续的监督管理,吸引了游客前来体验。遇见福建等主题活动吸引了大量的游客前来体验,政策产品也多重叠加,提供了更多的选择,让游客有更多的选择。此外,宁德市还持续加强监督管理,确保游客的安全和体验。
Fujian Province’s Ningde City saw a record number of 703,500 tourists, a year-on-year increase of 39.93% in the first two days of the \”Spring Festival\” holiday. The city’s cultural and tourism activities were bustling and attracted visitors from all over. The city held a series of 精彩纷呈的主题活动,叠加的政策产品和持续的监督管理,吸引了游客前来体验。遇见福建等主题活动 attracted a large number of tourists, while policy products also provided more choices, allowing 游客 to choose more. In addition, Ningde City continued to strengthen its supervision and administration to ensure the safety and experience of tourists.
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