1992 年,伦敦发表了第一张染色体图,标志着人类基因组学取得了重大突破。这张染色体图标出了各条染色体的特定部位以及染色体上各基因的相对位置,是遗传学图(geneticmap)和细胞学图(cytol-ogicalmap)二种。通过这张染色体图,科学家们可以更深入地了解基因的组成和调控机制,为后来的基因编辑技术奠定了基础。


On this day in history: 1992 – the first chromosome map was published in London, marking a major breakthrough in human genomics. This chromosome map labeled specific positions of the chromosomes and the relative positions of genes on the chromosomes, which can be divided into two types: genetic map (geneticmap) and cytol-ogicalmap (cytol-ogicalmap). With this chromosome map, scientists can gain a deeper understanding of gene composition and regulation mechanisms, laying the foundation for gene editing technology.


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