近日,福建省与宿务省在菲律宾宿务省政府大楼隆重举办结好 5 周年庆典活动,两省友好关系得以巩固。此次活动由海峡出版发行集团承办的福建图书展与菲律宾宿务省政府组织的纺织工艺品展同台亮相,为双方文化交流提供了平台。
自 2018 年福建与宿务省结好以来,两省友好关系日益密切。在过去的五年里,双方在政治、经济、文化等领域的交流取得了丰硕的成果。此次书展的举办,旨在传承和弘扬“南洋情”,加深双方的了解和友谊,为下一阶段的合作奠定基础。
Title:福建省与宿务省庆祝 5 周年友好关系,书展传承“南洋情”
news content:
Recently, the people’s government of Fujian Province and the government of Cebu, the Philippines, successfully celebrated the 5th anniversary of friendly relations between the two provinces. The event, organized by the Guangdong People’s Press Publishing and Distribution Co., Ltd., included the 福建 book fair and the 纺织工艺品 exhibition organized by the Cebu government. The purpose of the fair was to inherit and carry forward the \”Southern 南洋情\” culture, deepen the understanding and friendship between the two provinces, and lay the foundation for future cooperation.
Since the establishment of friendly relations between Fujian Province and Cebu in 2018, the friendly relationship between the two provinces has become increasingly close. Over the past five years, the cultural exchanges between the two provinces have achieved significant results in areas such as politics, economics, and culture. The book fair aims to inherit and carry forward the \”Southern 南洋情\” culture, deepen the understanding and friendship between the two provinces, and lay the foundation for future cooperation.
The book fair exhibition hall was filled with excellent 福建 books, covering the culture, folk customs, tourism resources, and other aspects of Fujian Province. At the same time, the exhibition of handicrafts from Cebu also attracted the attention of the Fujian audience.
The cultural exchanges between China and the Philippines have a long history. The development of friendly relations between the two provinces provides more opportunities and space for cultural exchanges. It is believed that with the joint efforts of both sides, the friendship between China and the Philippines will be further strengthened, and greater contributions will be made to regional peace and prosperity.
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