深圳今起调整优化个人住房贷款利率下限,首套房调降 40 基点、二套调降 30 基点。此次调整将影响广大购房者的购房成本和贷款利率。在当前国家积极推行房住不炒的背景下,此次利率调整旨在促进房地产市场平稳健康发展。


On Friday, Shenzhen city began to adjust and optimize the lower limit of personal housing loan interest rates. The interest rate for the first-time home buyer was reduced by 40 basis points, and the second-time home buyer’s interest rate was reduced by 30 basis points. This adjustment will affect the housing costs and loan interest rates of many homeowners. In the current situation where the country actively promotes the concept of \”house-holding without speculation,\” this interest rate adjustment aims to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.


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