1986 年,中央提出加强精神文明建设,旨在通过思想道德建设和教育科学文化建设,全面提高人民群众的思想道德素质和科学文化素质。精神文明建设主要表现为思想道德建设和教育科学文化建设,为物质文明的发展提供思想保证、精神动力和智力支持。
On this day in history: Introduction to spiritual and moral construction.
Keywords: spiritual and moral construction, cultural and scientific culture, improvement of people’s thinking and moral standards and scientific literacy.
Spiritual and moral construction is the main goal of the Central Committee in 1986 to improve the overall quality of people’s thinking and moral standards and scientific literacy through the construction of spiritual and moral values and the development of education and science and culture. This provides ideological, spiritual, and intellectual support for the development of material civilization.
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