1. 1864 年,第一国际在日内瓦成立,这标志着国际工人运动的开始。第一国际即国际工人协会,由马克思等创始人之一领导。从此,全球劳工权益的呼声通过这个组织传到了世界各地。

2. 随着国际工人运动的不断发展,第二国际成立,并开始称第一国际。这一组织为全球劳工权益发声,推动世界各地的工人运动。

3. 马克思作为第一国际的创始人之一和实际领袖,为全球工人运动的发展作出了巨大贡献。他的思想和理论不仅影响了第一国际,也影响了整个国际工人运动。


1. On this day in history: the establishment of the International Workingmen’s Association (IWA) in Geneva in 1864, marking the beginning of international labor movement. IWA is also known as the International Workers’ Association, with Marx, one of the founders, leading the way.从此,全球劳工权益的呼声通过这个组织传到了世界各地.

2. With the continuous development of the international labor movement, the Second International was established and began to call the IWA the First International. This organization advocates for the voice of the global labor rights and promotes the workers’ movements around the world.

3. Marx, as one of the founders and the actual leader of the IWA, has made a significant contribution to the development of the global labor movement. His thoughts and theories not only influenced the IWA but also influenced the entire international labor movement.


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