近年来,随着互联网的快速发展,电信网络诈骗案件在全国范围内日益猖獗。据中国最高人民法院透露,2022 年迄今为止,全国电信网络诈骗案件总量持续高位运行,案件呈现明显反弹趋势。
Recently, with the rapid development of the internet, telecommunications scams have been increasingly rampant throughout the country. According to the Supreme Court of China, the total number of telecommunications scams in the country has remained at a high level and has shown a significant rebound trend in 2022 so far.
In response to this situation, the Chinese courts will take various measures to legalistically 打击 criminal activities related to telecommunications scams from abroad and to legally punish collaborative criminals from within the country. These measures aim to protect the lives and security of the general public and to maintain social stability and harmony.
Regarding the rebound phenomenon in telecommunications scams, the Chinese courts have stated that they will continue to increase the intensity of their 打击 and will legally punish various types of criminal activities. They also urge the general public to actively participate in preventing telecommunications scams and to raise awareness of online security to protect the security of themselves and their families.
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