1953 年 7 月,现代画家、美术教育家徐悲鸿因病离世,享年 58 岁。徐悲鸿是中国近代美术史上的杰出代表之一,他的作品主张现实主义,擅长人物、走兽、花鸟等题材。他曾留学法国学西画,回国后长期从事美术教育和中央美术学院院长等职务。徐悲鸿在美术教育领域的杰出贡献为后人所称道。
On July 19, 1953, Xu Binghuan, a modern painter and art educator, passed away due to an illness, aged 58. Xu Binghuan is one of the outstanding representatives of modern Chinese art, and his works advocate realism and specialize in subjects such as figures, animals, and flowers and birds. He studied in France and returned to China to work as an art educator. He served as the principal of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Xu Binghuan’s outstanding contribution to art education has been acknowledged by future generations.
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