据央视新闻报道,乌克兰国防部发布消息,俄罗斯黑海舰队司令维克托·索科洛夫在导弹袭击中死亡。此次袭击共造成包括黑海舰队司令索科洛夫在内的 34 名军官死亡,另有 105 人受伤。乌克兰方面称,袭击是针对位于塞瓦斯托波尔的俄海军黑海舰队总部的。目前,俄乌局势如何发展仍不明确,有可能会全面升级。
The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense announced that the commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, Vy 克 tor Sokolov, died as a result of a missile attack. The attack, which targeted the headquarters of the Russian Navy’s Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol, resulted in the death of 34 officers, including Sokolov, and injured 105 people. It is not clear how the situation in the region will develop, and there are concerns that the conflict could be escalated.
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