我国在超算领域取得了举世瞩目的成就,神威·太湖之光、天算 2 号等超级计算机纷纷问世。其中,神威·太湖之光曾在 2017 年成为全球性能最强的计算机。此次,神威·太湖之光将参与地球“过热”问题的超算模拟,为科学家提供更真实的气候数据,以期寻求更可行的解决方案。
News Title: Can Supercomputers Help Cool the Earth?
Keywords: Earth, Overheating, Supercomputers
News Content:
In recent years, global warming has become increasingly obvious. The issue of \”overheating\” is especially prominent. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned that global temperatures will likely lead to serious climate disasters in this century. To address this problem, supercomputers will play a crucial role in climate simulations and predictions in the future.
China has made remarkable achievements in the field of supercomputing, with machines such as the 太湖之光和天算 2 号相继问世。其中,太湖之光曾在 2017 年成为全球性能最强的计算机。此次,太湖之光将参与地球“过热”问题的超算模拟,为科学家提供更真实的气候数据,以便寻求更可行的解决方案。
By using supercomputers for climate simulations, scientists can predict the trends in future climate change, which will help develop more effective carbon reduction policies. Moreover,超算还可以协助研究地球“过热”的原因,为 climate governance 提供有力支持。
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