近日,我国气温骤降,多地出现零下的低温天气,许多消费者为了抵御严寒,开始大量购买羽绒服。据某电商平台数据显示,羽绒服销售额在极寒天气期间同比增长了 10 倍以上。许多消费者表示,在寒冷的天气里,穿上羽绒服不仅保暖,还能让人感觉舒适,提高生活品质。
Recently, the extreme cold weather has led to a surge in the sales of down jackets. According to data from a major e-commerce platform, down jacket sales have increased by over 10 times in the cold weather. Many consumers said that wearing down jackets not only provides warmth but also makes them feel comfortable, improving their quality of life.
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