中新社北京4月21日电 (记者 陈溯)中国水利部于21日发布重要预警,根据气象部门的预测,华南地区近期将持续遭遇强降雨天气,这将对珠江流域的北江造成严重影响,可能导致特大洪水的发生。






**News Title:** “Major Flood Alert on the Beijiang River in the Pearl River Basin: China’s Water Resources Ministry Raises Emergency Response to Level III”

**Keywords:** Pearl River flood, emergency response, Beijiang River, severe

**News Content:**

**BEIJING, April 21 (Xinhua) –** China’s Ministry of Water Resources (MWR) issued a critical warning on April 21, stating that based on forecasts from meteorological authorities, South China is expected to experience persistent heavy rainfall in the coming days, which could lead to severe flooding in the Beijiang River, a major tributary of the Pearl River Basin.

The MWR has heightened the national emergency response for flood and drought control to Level III to enhance preparedness for potential disaster risks. This measure aims to facilitate early deployment of flood prevention measures, safeguard people’s lives and property, and minimize potential damage to agriculture, transportation, and infrastructure.

Local governments along the Beijiang River have been instructed to closely monitor water levels, strengthen monitoring and early warnings, promptly evacuate residents in hazardous areas, and conduct inspections and maintenance of reservoirs, dikes, and other water conservancy facilities. Moreover, water resources departments have mobilized professional emergency rescue teams and stockpiled relief supplies to ensure a rapid response in case of a disaster.

This flood alert serves as a test of China’s disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities. The MWR vowed to make every effort, using scientific planning, to minimize losses from potential flooding. It also called on the public to remain vigilant, cooperate with government flood control efforts, and jointly address possible natural disasters.

**(End of article)**


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