Title: Nepal Prime Minister Directs for Update of Police and Armed Police Laws
Kathmandu – Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has directed the concerned ministries to bring a bill amending the existing laws related to the Nepal Police and the Armed Police Force to meet the demands of the time and public expectations.
During a meeting at the Prime Minister’s residence in Baluwatar on Sunday evening, Oli stressed the need to make the laws contemporary and substantial, taking into account the maintenance of peace, security, and good governance in the country, as well as the provision of facilities from the grassroots to the higher levels of the organization.
The Prime Minister has urged for the proposal to be brought with attention to the economic and administrative aspects and to be submitted to the Parliament within 100 days as a priority of the government. He has instructed the Ministry of Finance to study the economic and administrative aspects and quickly move the bill forward.
Minister of Finance Vishnu Prasad Paudel has assured that the bill will be studied comprehensively and conclusions will be drawn promptly. Home Minister Ramesh Lekhak highlighted the importance of the bill in adding energy to the police organization and ensuring economic savings for the country.
The meeting was attended by the Chief Secretary, secretaries of both ministries, and the heads of both organizations.
Published: Bhadra 23, 2081 22:18
This news digest provides a brief overview of the ongoing efforts by Nepal’s Prime Minister to update the legal framework governing the country’s police and armed police forces to align with current times and public expectations. The Prime Minister’s directive underscores the importance of these changes in maintaining peace and security and ensuring good governance in Nepal.
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