
As a seasoned journalist with experience at reputable news organizations, I would craft the following news report based on the provided information:

Title: Dutch Immigration Service Tightens Asylum Application Standards, Raising Concerns Among Lawyers

Amsterdam, 3 September 2024 — The Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) has seen a significant increase in the rejection of asylum applications following the implementation of a new assessment method, according to asylum lawyers, experts, and the refugee organization VluchtelingenWerk Nederland.

The new protocol, which came into effect on July 1, was introduced by former Asylum State Secretary Erik van der Burg with the aim of reducing the number of approved asylum applications. The strategy appears to be achieving its goal, but critics argue that it merely pushes the approval process further down the line, creating additional workload for the IND and increased uncertainty for applicants.

Under the revised guidelines, individuals without documentation are automatically viewed with suspicion and must meet five credibility criteria for their applications to be considered. While these criteria were previously in place, they were largely treated as guidelines. Now, they function more as a checklist, explained Dr. Tanja van Veldhuizen, a forensic psychologist from Maastricht University.

This may seem reasonable on the surface, but the reality is that many refugees must discard their papers at the behest of smugglers, Dr. van Veldhuizen told Nieuwsuur. She also raised concerns about the implications for applicants who may be reluctant to discuss sensitive topics due to shame or fear of stigma.

Asylum lawyers and VluchtelingenWerk Nederland have expressed alarm over the new approach, which requires individuals previously considered vulnerable as a group to now prove their personal risk of persecution if deported. Bart Toemen, an asylum lawyer, cited the case of an Afghan woman whose application was rejected despite a legal precedent recognizing the risk faced by Afghan women.

Before July 1, it was widely accepted that women in Afghanistan face terrible conditions, Toemen said. The new method is likely to result in more appeals, and if those appeals are successful, the IND will have to redo the work.

Similarly, lawyer Maartje Terpstra expects an increase in well-founded appeals. She represents a未成年 Somali girl who faces the threat of forced marriage to the leader of the terrorist group Al Shabaab if returned to her home country.

The IND’s new method has sparked debate about the balance between ensuring the integrity of the asylum process and protecting the rights of individuals seeking refuge. As the number of rejections rises, the impact on both the IND’s workload and the lives of asylum seekers remains a critical issue for the Dutch government and advocacy groups to address.

This report aims to provide a balanced overview of the situation, highlighting the concerns raised by professionals in the field while also presenting the context of the changes implemented by the IND.

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