




  • 不采摘、不销售、不加工、不食用来历不明的野生植物。
  • 在自制药酒、用中药材煲汤、配制凉茶前,一定要详细了解有关药材的知识,并从正规渠道购买。
  • 不要购买来源不明的中药材。






English Translation:

Headline: Poisoning from MistakenlyEating “Duantangcao” in Guangdong’s Herbal Tea! Market Supervision Bureau Issues Urgent Reminder

Keywords: Duantangcao, Poisoning,Reminder

News Content:

Guangdong Market Supervision Bureau Issues Reminder: Beware of Food Poisoning from Mistakenly Eating “Duantangcao”

Recently, the Guangdong Provincial Market Supervision Bureau has issued a reminder, urging the public to be aware of the dangers of food poisoning from mistakenly eating “Duantangcao.” It has been reported that some people in Guangdong have recently experienced food poisoningafter mistakenly consuming “Duantangcao” while preparing their own herbal tea.

“Duantangcao” is not a single plant but a common name used in folk medicine to refer to various poisonous plants. The most dangerous among themis Gelsemium elegans, also known as “Dachaoyao.” All parts of this plant are highly toxic, with the main toxic substance being gelsemium alkaloid. Ingesting Gelsemium elegans can lead to respiratory difficulties in mild cases and death in severe cases.

Gelsemiumelegans often grows in areas near villages, roadsides, grassy slopes, or in bushes. Its flowers, roots, and stems resemble some commonly used medicinal herbs such as “Wu Zhi Mao Tao,” “Jin Yin Hua,” and “Jin Suo Shi,” making it easy to misidentify. Guangdong has a long traditionof using medicinal herbs for brewing wine, soup, and herbal tea. Therefore, the public should exercise extreme caution when collecting, purchasing, and using medicinal herbs to avoid mistakenly consuming Gelsemium elegans.

The Guangdong Provincial Market Supervision Bureau reminds the public:

  • Do not collect, sell, process, orconsume wild plants of unknown origin.
  • Before making herbal wine, using medicinal herbs for soup, or preparing herbal tea, be sure to thoroughly understand the relevant knowledge about the herbs and purchase them from reputable sources.
  • Do not purchase medicinal herbs from unknown sources.

If you accidentally consume “Duantangcao” and experience suspected poisoning symptoms, you should promptly induce vomiting to quickly expel the toxins and seek medical attention as soon as possible. Report the incident to the local health administration department. When seeking medical attention, it is best to bring a sample of the wild plant for further diagnosis.

It is important to notethat “Duantangcao” poisoning can have a “false recovery period.” Some patients may experience a gradual improvement or even disappearance of acute gastroenteritis symptoms after treatment, giving the impression of recovery. However, the toxins may have already entered the liver and other internal organs, causing substantial damage. Therefore, even if theinitial symptoms subside, patients should remain in the hospital for continued treatment and observation until their condition is stable and they show signs of improvement before being discharged.

The Guangdong Provincial Market Supervision Bureau urges the public to raise their awareness of safety and avoid mistakenly consuming “Duantangcao” to ensure their well-being.


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