
立秋不降温 成都“热辣滚烫”超37℃ 民众妙招纳凉

中新社成都8月23日电 (记者 贺劭清) 立秋已过,但成都的酷暑却丝毫没有退却的迹象,反而“更上层楼”。23日, “三伏”最后一天,成都气温依旧“热辣滚烫”,最高气温突破37℃,让民众苦不堪言。








Summer Heat Persists in Chengdu Despite “Liqiu”

Keywords:Liqiu heatwave, Chengdu cooling down, coping strategies


Chengdu, August 23 (Xinhua) — Despite the arrival of “Liqiu,” the traditional start of autumn, the scorching heat in Chengdushows no signs of abating, instead reaching new heights. On August 23rd, the last day of the “Sanfu” period, Chengdu’s temperature soared above 37°C, leaving residents struggling to cope with the relentless heat.

At 10:00 am, the Chengdu Meteorological Bureau issued a red alert for high temperatures, predicting that temperatures in many areaswould exceed 37°C for the next 24 hours. This is the second red alert for high temperatures issued in Chengdu this year, indicating that the city’s heatwave is far from over.

Faced with thesweltering heat, residents are resorting to various cooling methods. At Chengdu East Railway Station, many passengers were seen with their sun-protective clothing soaked in sweat, clinging to their bodies. At the exit, a Chengdu resident joked that he felt a pang of regret leaving the station, as he missed the air conditioning,even though it wasn’t as cool as he’d like.

The high temperatures have also brought a surge in demand for refreshing treats in the catering industry. Zhang Song, owner of a Cantonese dessert shop, reported a significant increase in orders for durian ice and coconut ice, but his ice stock ran out early,leaving him both happy and worried.

Since August, electricity consumption in the Sichuan power grid has repeatedly reached record highs. Many communities, office buildings, and businesses in Chengdu have issued calls for staggered electricity use and energy conservation. The Chengdu AG Super Play Club, a professional “King of Glory” team, also issued anotice for viewers, stating that to ensure the smooth operation of the competition, electricity would be prioritized for competition equipment and air conditioning in the venue, and ice packs, fans, and drinking water would be provided for the audience.

Under the dual pressure of scorching heat and energy conservation, many guesthouses in popular summer resortslike Qingcheng Mountain in Chengdu are fully booked. “Water-based mahjong,” a unique way to enjoy the cool water, has become a new summer pastime for Chengdu residents. Chengdu Zoo has prepared fruit “popsicles” for the pandas, allowing them to enjoy a cool summer as well.

The Chengdu Meteorological Bureaupredicts that next week’s average temperature in Chengdu will be abnormally high, approximately 7°C higher than the historical average for the same period, with significantly less rainfall than usual. This means that the heatwave in Chengdu is likely to continue for some time, and residents need to take precautions to protect themselves from theheat.


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