新华社北京8月19日电 俄罗斯总统助理乌沙科夫今日表示,尽管俄罗斯总统普京提出的解决乌克兰问题的和平建议没有被废除,但现阶段俄罗斯不会与乌克兰进行对话。乌沙科夫的这一表态是在回答关于莫斯科提出的和平建议是否有效的问题时做出的。他指出,鉴于乌克兰在俄罗斯库尔斯克州的行动,目前的情况并不适合进入谈判程序。





News Title: “Russian Presidential Aide: Russia Temporarily Refuses Dialogue with Ukraine, Peace Proposals Not Abandoned”

Keywords: Russia Rejects, Ushakov, Peace Proposals

News Content:
BEIJING, Aug. 19th, Xinhua — Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov said today that despite the fact that the peace proposals for Ukraine put forward by Russian President Vladimir Putin have not been abandoned, Russia will not engage in dialogue with Ukraine at present. Ushakov made this statement in response to questions about the effectiveness of the peace proposals proposed by Moscow. He noted that the situation is not suitable for entering into a negotiation process, given the actions of Ukraine in the Russian region of Kursk.

Previously, Ukrainian forces launched a surprise attack on the Russian region of Kursk on August 6th, leading to fierce clashes between the two sides in the region. On August 18th, the Ukrainian Air Force claimed that Ukrainian forces attacked bridges in the Russian Kursk region, aiming to disrupt Russian military operations and supply lines. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that night that the purpose of the attack was to establish a buffer zone within Russian territory.

Ushakov stressed that any potential timetable for negotiations would be “dependent on the situation, including the battlefield situation.” He stated that Russia will continue to assess the current international and regional security situation and base its decision on whether to engage in dialogue with Ukraine on that.

This statement indicates that while the Russian side has not completely ruled out the possibility of future dialogue with Ukraine, the tense situation in Kursk makes dialogue at this time unrealistic. The international community is widely concerned about the developments in the region and hopes that the two sides can resolve their dispute through diplomatic channels, avoiding further conflict and casualties.


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