Title: “Tianjin Diving Grandpa: New Star of the Benevolence and Filial Piety List, Shining in Old Age”
Keywords: Diving Grandpa, Benevolence and Filial Piety Figures, Chinese Culture Festival
Hangzhou, August 18 (Lin Bo) – Recently, the Chinese Benevolence and Filial Piety Culture Festival Organizing Committee announced the list of “2024 Chinese Benevolence and Filial Piety Figures (Groups)”. Among them, a special team composed of local swimming enthusiasts in Tianjin – the Tianjin Lion Grove Bridge Diving Team – stands out for its portrayal of the positive and upward-looking life attitude of the elderly group.
The team is composed of elderly people with an average age of over 60, who live by the slogan “Survive for a minute, enjoy sixty seconds of happiness.” They have interpreted the new era’s benevolence and filial piety culture with their actions. In traditional benevolence and filial piety culture, stories of filial piety often carry a melancholic tone, sometimes being misinterpreted as a competition of hardship. In contrast, the new era’s benevolence and filial piety culture emphasizes love, respect, and positivity. The “diving grandpas” of Tianjin not only showcased the vitality and charm of the elderly but also conveyed a positive and upward-looking life attitude. Their diving videos have been widely popular online, garnering the attention and praise of many netizens.
Among them, Su Changhai, known as “Old Sickle” and a member of the Tianjin Lion Grove Bridge Diving Team, is the creator of the famous phrase “Survive for a minute, enjoy sixty seconds of happiness.” He believes that diving brings him joy and warmth. Su Changhai’s attitude towards life reflects the new connotation of the new era’s benevolence and filial piety culture, which is positive and happy aging, making as little trouble as possible for their children, and enriching their elderly life.
In addition to diving, Su Changhai has many hobbies, such as gardening, exercising with neighbors, dancing, and practicing “falling splits” with the elderly gymnastics team. His life is well-organized, fully showcasing the vitality and diversity of the elderly.
Analyzing the list of “Chinese Benevolence and Filial Piety Figures (Groups)” in recent years, it is not difficult to see that “happy aging” is becoming a new connotation of the benevolence and filial piety culture. For example, the 80-year-old Hangzhou rock ‘n’ roll grandmother Dong Yunrong, who was also the 2022 Chinese Benevolence and Filial Piety Figure, established the Hangzhou Rock ‘n’ Roll Grandmother Band. This band, with an average age exceeding 70, has appeared on CCTV and participated in various charity performances. Their existence has conveyed a positive and upward-looking life attitude and values to the public.
Dong Yunrong and Su Changhai both believe that the health and happiness of the elderly are also the greatest love for their children. Their stories and actions not only showcase the multifaceted nature of the elderly but also set positive life examples for society, reflecting the new face of benevolence and filial piety culture in the new era.
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