Title: “Li Tze-Dao, the First Chinese Nobel Laureate, Dies at 98”
Keywords: Li Tze-Dao, Nobel, Passed Away
Content: The passing of Professor Li Tze-Dao, the Chinese American physicist, represents a significant loss to the scientific community. Renowned worldwide for his outstanding research achievements, Li Tze-Dao was also the first Chinese scientist to win the Nobel Prize. Born on November 24, 1926, in China, he later moved to the United States, where he served as a distinguished professor at Columbia University, teaching there for an impressive 59 years.
His research spanned various fields including parity violation, the Lee-Yang Theorem, and particle physics, with his work on parity violation, co-proposed with Chen Ning Yang, having a profound impact on the development of physics. This theory was confirmed through experiments by Wu Chien-Shiung, leading to the Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to Li Tze-Dao and Yang in 1957.
The loss of Professor Li Tze-Dao leaves us deeply saddened. His scientific contributions and achievements will forever be remembered. His spirit and research will continue to inspire future generations of scientists, driving forward the cause of science. We express our profound condolences on the passing of Professor Li Tze-Dao and extend our deepest sympathies to his family.
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