1. **内蒙古自治区扎鲁特旗包某毁草开垦480.84亩**:在2022年春季,通辽市扎鲁特旗乌力吉木仁苏木哈日毛都嘎查的包某在草原上毁草开垦480.84亩,种植玉米,造成了草原资源的严重破坏。
2. **内蒙古自治区磴口县刘某毁林开垦217.73亩**:巴彦淖尔市磴口县,作为“三北”工程重点县之一,刘某在退耕还林地块内擅自毁林开垦217.73亩,种植葵花等农作物,导致原有植被全部毁坏。
3. **广西登高集团田东水泥有限公司擅自占用林地1048.71亩**:自2007年以来,广西登高集团田东水泥有限公司在未获得使用林地行政许可的情况下,累计破坏林地1048.71亩,用于采石采矿,对森林资源和生态环境造成了严重破坏。
4. **山西省天镇县东瑞农业科技发展有限公司毁林724.35亩**:东瑞农业科技发展有限公司在山西省大同市天镇县的谷前堡镇白羊口村毁林724.35亩,用于种植葡萄,其中549.45亩为退耕还林工程造林地,原有植被均被破坏。
5. **陕西省宜君县秦某等在陕西太安省级自然保护区内毁林开垦437.8亩**:陕西太安省级自然保护区是珍贵暖温带落叶阔叶林及珍稀野生动物的重要保护地,秦某、张某等人在保护区内毁林开垦437.8亩,种植玉米等农作物,其中60.74亩位于核心区,严重破坏了保护区的生态环境。
6. **广东省惠州市尖笔峰农业有限公司毁林528.6亩**:尖笔峰农业有限公司在惠东县多祝镇松坑村毁林528.6亩,用于种植柚子、茶等经济作物,修建道路和建设管护用房,破坏了当地的森林资源。
### 结语
### National Forestry and Grassland Administration Alerts Public with 10 Severe Cases of Deforestation and Grassland Degradation
In an effort to underscore the critical importance of safeguarding our natural resources, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration (NFGA) recently disclosed ten emblematic instances of deforestation and grassland degradation. These revelations, part of the second batch for 2024, are aimed at enlightening the public on the severity of such acts and urging collective efforts in environmental conservation.
#### Key Case Analyses:
1. **Baowei in Zaluotu Banner, Inner Mongolia, 480.84 Acres of Grassland Degradation**: In the spring of 2022, in the Uliji Mumian Suwu, Haermudu Gaxia of Zaluotu Banner, Baowei illegally cleared 480.84 acres of grassland for corn cultivation, causing substantial damage to the grassland resources.
2. **Rui in Dingshou County, Inner Mongolia, 217.73 Acres of Forest Degradation**: As a key county in the “Three Norths” afforestation project, Rui擅自 cleared 217.73 acres of forested land for agricultural cultivation, specifically planting sunflower and other crops, resulting in the complete destruction of the existing vegetation.
3. **Guangxi Dengao Group, 1048.71 Acres of Forest Land Unauthorized Occupation**: Since 2007, Guangxi Dengao Group’s cement company in Tiantong County, Guangxi, has illegally destroyed 1048.71 acres of forest land for mining and stone extraction, causing severe damage to forest resources and the ecological environment.
4. **Dongrui Agricultural Development Co. in Tiantang, Shanxi, 724.35 Acres of Forest Degradation**: Dongrui Agricultural Development Co. in the Gufengbao Town, Baiyangkou Village, Tiantang, Shanxi, illegally cleared 724.35 acres of forest for grape cultivation, with 549.45 acres being part of a reforestation project, leading to the total destruction of the original vegetation.
5. **Kui and Zhang in the Tai’an State Nature Reserve, Shaanxi, 437.8 Acres of Forest Degradation**: In the Tai’an State Nature Reserve, a critical habitat for warm-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forests and rare wildlife, Kui and Zhang cleared 437.8 acres of forest for agricultural cultivation, including 60.74 acres in the core area, causing severe ecological damage.
6. **Jianbifeng Agricultural Co. in Huizhou, Guangdong, 528.6 Acres of Forest Degradation**: In Songkeng Village, Duzhen Town, Huizhou, Jianbifeng Agricultural Co. illegally cleared 528.6 acres of forest for the cultivation of pomelo, tea, and other economic crops, and the construction of roads and living facilities, leading to the destruction of local forest resources.
These cases, spanning multiple provinces such as Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Guangdong, indicate that deforestation and grassland degradation are occurring nationwide, affecting diverse sectors from individual actions to corporate operations, and from grasslands to forests. The NFGA’s disclosure underscores the need for collective responsibility in protecting our natural resources, emphasizing that safeguarding these resources is not just a governmental duty but also a shared obligation of every individual. By rigorously enforcing penalties for such acts, the government aims to collectively preserve our green homeland, which is crucial for maintaining ecological balance and promoting sustainable development.
### Conclusion
The NFGA’s recent disclosure not only highlights the pressing challenges in protecting our natural resources but also demonstrates the administration’s unwavering commitment to zero tolerance for illegal activities. Through the public unveiling of these cases, the aim is to raise public awareness, strengthen societal oversight, and foster a positive environment for the collective protection of our natural resources. Moving forward, concerted efforts from all sectors of society are essential to protect our environment, ensuring that green remains the backdrop of our development.
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