1. **核武器与核战争威胁的减少**:文件强调了摆脱核武器与核战争威胁,最终全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器对全人类的共同利益至关重要。中国已明确承诺在任何时候、任何情况下不首先使用核武器,无条件不对无核武器国家或无核武器区使用或威胁使用核武器。
2. **核武器国家的安全保证**:文件指出,核武器国家在彻底消除核武器前,应向无核武器国家提供具有法律约束力的安全保证,确保不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器。这被视为增强全球核不扩散体系、推进核裁军进程的关键措施。
3. **《不扩散核武器条约》的进程**:文件回顾了《不扩散核武器条约》审议进程中关于核武器国家向无核武器国家提供安全保证的讨论和承诺,强调了在谈判达成国际法律文书之前的必要性。文件还提到了核武器国家通过联合国决议、声明、签署无核武器区条约议定书等方式提供的安全保证,但多数情况下附加了条件。
4. **核共享与延伸威慑的限制**:文件指出,核共享与延伸威慑安排的存在可能降低了参与国家建立无核武器区或达成无核安保国际法律文书的政治意愿。文件呼吁这些安排的废除,并强调了核武器国家应支持无核武器区建立的努力,尊重无核武器区的法律地位。
5. **核武器国家的承诺**:文件要求所有核武器国家在谈判达成国际法律文书之前发表公开声明,保证无条件不对无核武器国家和无核武器区使用或威胁使用核武器。同时,核武器国家应降低核武器在国家安全政策中的作用,放弃以首先使用核武器为基础的核威慑政策,不制定针对他国的核威慑政策,不把任何国家列为核打击目标,降低核武器的戒备状态。
6. **国际社会的讨论与行动**:文件鼓励国际社会深入讨论参与核共享与延伸威慑安排的无核武器国家的权利与义务问题,以及在谈判无核安保国际法律文书背景下,核武器国家应采取的透明行动和落实的安全保证。
### Working Paper on Nuclear Security and Denuclearization in China
#### 1. Global Nuclear Security and Denuclearization Goals
– **Shared Interest**: The elimination of nuclear weapons and the threat of nuclear war aligns with the common interests of all humanity, aiming for a world free of nuclear weapons.
– **Chinese Commitment**: China unequivocally commits to not using nuclear weapons as a first option under any circumstances, and to abstain from using or threatening to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones.
#### 2. Expectations from the International Community
– **Legal Assurance**: States parties to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) argue that, prior to the complete elimination of nuclear weapons, it is a legitimate right for non-nuclear weapon states to receive a legally binding assurance from nuclear weapon states that they will not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons under any circumstances.
– **Historical Call**: The outcomes of the Special Session on Disarmament in 1978 and the Review Conference in 2000 have both called for nuclear weapon states to continue to make efforts to provide such assurances.
– **Treaty Process**: The NPT Review Conference has determined that the Disarmament Committee should initiate discussions and draft proposals to address all related issues, including potential international legal instruments.
#### 3. Challenges and Constraints
– **Conditional Guarantees**: Most nuclear weapon states provide security assurances to non-nuclear weapon states through UN Security Council resolutions, statements, or agreements on nuclear-weapon-free zones, but these assurances are typically conditional.
– **Geographical Coverage**: Nuclear-weapon-free zones do not encompass all regions or all non-nuclear weapon states, such as the Middle East nuclear-weapon-free zone facing practical obstacles.
#### 4. Positive Impact of Security Assurances
– **Strategic Stability**: Legally binding security assurances from nuclear weapon states to non-nuclear weapon states help maintain global strategic stability and reduce strategic risks.
– **International System**: Strengthening the international non-proliferation system, advancing the disarmament process, and ultimately working towards the comprehensive prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons.
#### 5. New Security Dynamics and Focus Areas
– **”Nuclear Sharing” and “Extended Deterrence”**: There is concern that these arrangements could lower the political will of participating states to establish nuclear-weapon-free zones or sign international legal documents on nuclear security.
– **Decision-Making Role**: The role of non-nuclear weapon states in nuclear deployment, use, and decision-making processes related to these arrangements is a point of focus.
#### 6. Chinese Initiatives and Stance
– **Legal Document**: China strongly advocates for the early establishment of an international legal document guaranteeing that nuclear weapons will not be used against or threatened against non-nuclear weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones.
– **Agenda for Discussion**: China proposes that discussions in the review process should delve deeply into reaching consensus, including engaging in substantive work, public statements from nuclear weapon states, and supporting the establishment of nuclear-weapon-free zones.
### Conclusion
Based on a profound understanding of global security and denuclearization, China actively advocates for a safer and more stable international nuclear security environment. By means of legal documents and other forms, China provides legally binding security assurances to non-nuclear weapon states, aiming to promote global strategic stability, strengthen the international non-proliferation system, and ultimately drive the process towards the comprehensive prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons. This stance reflects China’s active role as a responsible major country in the fields of international nuclear security and disarmament.
### Key Points Highlighted:
– **Common Interest in Elimination**: China emphasizes the shared interest in reducing the threat of nuclear weapons and nuclear war, with the ultimate goal of total prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons worldwide.
– **Chinese Commitment**: China unequivocally commits to not using nuclear weapons as a first option and to abstain from using or threatening to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones.
– **Legal Guarantees from Nuclear Weapon States**: It is argued that before nuclear weapons are completely eliminated, nuclear weapon states should provide legally binding security guarantees to non-nuclear weapon states to prevent the use of nuclear weapons against them.
– **Challenges and Limitations**: This includes the conditional nature of many security assurances and the geographical coverage issues of nuclear-weapon-free zones.
– **Strategic Stability and International System Strengthening**: The importance of legally binding security assurances in maintaining global strategic stability and strengthening the international non-proliferation system.
– **Addressing New Security Dynamics**: Concerns over the implications of nuclear sharing and extended deterrence arrangements on the establishment of nuclear-weapon-free zones and the role of non-nuclear weapon states in nuclear decision-making processes.
– **Chinese Advocacy and Position**: China’s strong call for the establishment of an international legal document to provide legally binding assurances against the use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones, and its proposal for deeper discussions and consensus-building in the review process.
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