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在经过激烈角逐后,最终成绩尘埃落定,获奖的五支团队分别为Numina的团队、CMU_MATH、after exams、codeinter以及Conor #2,他们分别获得了第一名至第五名的成绩。其中,最引人注目的莫过于夺得冠军的队伍,他们所使用的模型是DeepSeekMath的微调版本——NuminaMath 7B TIR,这无疑为国产AI技术在国际舞台上的表现增添了浓墨重彩的一笔。





### The国产AI Model DeepSeekMath Shines at the Global First AI Math Olympiad

In a recent revelation, the winners of the inaugural AI Math Olympiad (AIMO) were announced, drawing significant attention as all four winning teams opted for the Chinese-made AI model, DeepSeekMath, as their tool of choice. The AI Math Olympiad, which garnered global interest and discussion since its inception, particularly piqued curiosity and anticipation when the official list of winners was released without specifying the underlying models.

Following intense competition, the final results were sealed, with five teams—Numina’s team, CMU_MATH, after exams, codeinter, and Conor #2—claiming the top five spots, respectively. Among them, the most notable achievement was the championship won by the team utilizing the fine-tuned version of DeepSeekMath, NuminaMath 7B TIR, which added a vibrant chapter to the international portrayal of Chinese AI technology.

The second-place team innovated by fine-tuning two DeepSeek-Math-7B-RL models, one for generating solutions and the other serving as a reward model to evaluate solutions through a weighted majority voting system, demonstrating AI’s efficiency and flexibility in tackling mathematical problems.

The third-place team also relied on the DeepSeekMath model, highlighting the model’s exceptional performance in AI math and signaling the potential for future Chinese AI technologies to play a more significant role in math Olympiads and broader scientific fields.

The successful organization of this competition provided a platform for global AI math researchers to showcase their talents and significantly propelled the application of AI in solving complex mathematical problems. The outstanding performance of DeepSeekMath, in particular, showcased the innovative strength and international competitiveness of Chinese AI technology. As technology continues to advance, there is reason to anticipate even greater achievements from AI models like DeepSeekMath in the future.


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