Title: “Durian Season Arrives: Can Those with Moist-Heat Constitutions Try It?”
Keywords: Durian Harvest, Reasonable Prices, Constitution Controversy
Content: As May approaches, the durian enters its peak season, with fresh durians appearing in abundance on the market. Residents are pleasantly surprised to find that the price of durians this year is more affordable than in previous years, leading to a surge in discussions about “durian freedom” on social media. However, opinions on durian consumption vary.
Some argue that those with moist-heat constitutions should avoid durians, as the latter are inherently warming and may exacerbate symptoms of moist-heat constitutions. Others, however, believe that durians have certain medicinal values and can alleviate menstrual pain, making them particularly suitable for women during their periods.
In response to these controversies, a journalist interviewed a nutrition expert. The expert stated that people with moist-heat constitutions should indeed be cautious when consuming durians, as they can potentially worsen internal dampness and cause discomfort. However, moderate consumption of durians is generally acceptable for most people, provided they pay attention to their portion sizes and observe how their bodies react to durians.
Regarding the potential relief from menstrual pain, the expert noted that this effect may be due to certain components in durians that regulate female hormone levels, thereby reducing menstrual pain. However, this effect varies from person to person and is not universally applicable.
In summary, experts recommend that while enjoying the taste of durians, individuals should consider their constitution and health status, consume in moderation, and maintain a balanced diet. For those with specific health needs, it is advisable to eat durians under the guidance of a professional doctor.
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